Not Your Demographic

Assertions so counter intuitive and nonsensical - they must be true!

Cogent insights by Benjamin Scherrey

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Tentative but promising news for America today. Both rates of incidents and rate of death have fallen for two days straight. 23,203 total incidents (+31.89%) and 272 deaths (+24.20%) with a total of 182,697 (+31.89%) tested makes for a positive general trend this Saturday. We're now on track for the over all death rate (presently 1.17%) to drop below 1% in the next two or three days! Remember the original projection was for this to occur on March 28th so that's quite an improvement. I see 3 possibilities to explain these numbers, a) it's Saturday and perhaps many sources just aren't updating for the weekend. (that would be most disappointing during a pandemic), b) it's just a random value but not part of a real trend, or c) it is a positive indicator that our alignment with Italy's peak does indeed fall between March 18th & March 23rd. Pray for "c" and let's hope the trend continues through the end of March.

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